Personal Injury & Medical Malpractice

  • February 25, 2025

    Jay-Z's Claims Against Buzbee May Get Trimmed, Judge Says

    A California state judge said Tuesday that he's inclined to toss Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter's extortion claims against personal injury lawyer Tony Buzbee and some, but not all, of the rapper's defamation allegations stemming from a now-abandoned rape lawsuit.

  • February 25, 2025

    Houston Atty's Alleged Sex Tape Going To FBI Before Defense

    A woman suing a Houston attorney in Texas state court has permission to turn over to the FBI a video that she claims may show the lawyer committing child sexual abuse, before she provides the video to the defense team.

  • February 25, 2025

    WestRock Blamed For Toxic Vapors In Worker's Injury Suit

    The WestRock packaging company has been hit with a negligence suit in Washington federal court by a worker who claims exposure to fumes from a chemical spill while doing repairs at a Pacific Northwest paper mill caused him to suffer a collapsed lung and later be diagnosed with a tumor.

  • February 25, 2025

    Alex Jones Asks To Maintain Stay On Sandy Hook Payment

    Infowars founder Alex Jones told the Connecticut Appellate Court that he shouldn't be forced to pay the judgment that Sandy Hook families won in their long-running defamation case as he awaits a review by the state's Supreme Court, saying the plaintiffs are wrong that he discarded underlying constitutional arguments.

  • February 25, 2025

    River Agency Says Harvey Flood Dispute Was Already Decided

    A Texas river management agency urged a state appeals court Tuesday to shut down claims brought by dozens of residents whose properties were flooded by Hurricane Harvey, pointing to a separate appellate court decision that ended similar claims by many of the same people.

  • February 25, 2025

    Couple, Biotech Co. Jointly Drop Lost Embryos Suit

    A Charlotte couple and the biotechnology company they accused of making a defective oil used for the in vitro fertilization process came together to drop their dispute from North Carolina federal court, ending the prospective parents' wrongful death claims.

  • February 25, 2025

    Purdue Gets Time To Document New $7.4B Ch. 11 Settlement

    Counsel for bankrupt drugmaker Purdue Pharma received approval Tuesday for an extension of a mediation window during which litigation against nondebtors is paused after telling a New York judge that it has reached definitive terms on a new $7.4 billion settlement of opioid claims and needs time to finalize documentation surrounding the deal.

  • February 25, 2025

    Gymnast's Estate Sues Conn. University Over Training Death

    The estate of a 20-year-old gymnast who suffered a fatal head injury during a training exercise in 2019 has filed a wrongful death suit against Southern Connecticut State University and the former coach of its women's gymnastics team.

  • February 25, 2025

    Family Of Wife Killed By Ex-BigLaw Atty Still Fighting For Funds

    The cousins of the woman killed by her former BigLaw partner husband urged a Georgia state court to reject a bid to deprive them of the settlement proceeds from the underlying wrongful death suit, saying the court shouldn't rely on the ex-lawyer's assertions that she wanted the funds to go to her godson.

  • February 25, 2025

    Lawyer Who Became Client's 'Punching Bag' Scores Case Exit

    A Connecticut attorney who claimed he became his Massachusetts client's "punching bag" can exit her medical negligence lawsuit against two doctors accused of misplacing or destroying her embryos, a Milford judge ruled Tuesday.

  • February 25, 2025

    Union Pacific Cleared In Pedestrian's Injury Suit

    A California jury found Tuesday that Union Pacific Railroad Co. was not liable for an injury to a man who was walking along its railroad tracks.

  • February 25, 2025

    8th Circ. Says Mo. Law Bars $60M Asbestos Coverage Suit

    An Eighth Circuit appeals panel affirmed that an insurer could not make arguments in Missouri federal court regarding payment of over $60 million for asbestos litigation because it had been battling its insured "for years" over the same issues in state court.

  • February 25, 2025

    10th Circ. Asked To Rethink Denying Atty's Racing Deductions

    A Denver personal injury lawyer asked the Tenth Circuit to reconsider its decision barring his $300,000 tax deduction for car-racing costs as professional advertising, saying the court deprived him of due process in dismissing his argument that the IRS wrongly denied him a chance to settle.

  • February 24, 2025

    'It Was An Accident': Judge Denies Shooting Wife On Purpose

    A California judge who shot his wife to death in their living room following an argument took the stand in his murder trial Monday, fighting hard to maintain his composure while explaining to jurors that his Glock discharged accidentally when he tried to set it down on the coffee table.

  • February 24, 2025

    Injury Attys Sanctioned Over AI-Hallucinated Case Citations

    A Wyoming federal judge overseeing a personal injury lawsuit against Walmart sanctioned the plaintiffs' attorneys from Morgan & Morgan PA and the Goody Law Group after they filed pretrial motions containing case law hallucinated by artificial intelligence, but acknowledged Monday their "remedial steps, transparency and apologetic sentiments."

  • February 24, 2025

    Union Pacific Says Pedestrian Was In The Wrong In Crash Suit

    Lawyers for a pedestrian allegedly hit by a Union Pacific train told a jury in closing arguments Monday that the engineer wasn't paying enough attention to the tracks ahead, while the rail giant's lawyers said the man should not have been there.

  • February 24, 2025

    Insurer Won't Have To Cover Sports CEO's Child Sex Suits

    An insurance company doesn't have to defend the former leader of a sports equipment company against allegations of sexual assault against minors, a Washington federal court said Monday, making final an earlier ruling that said the policies offered no conceivable coverage.

  • February 24, 2025

    Ill. Court Clears Holiday Inn In Suit Over Migrant's Suicide

    A Chicago-area Holiday Inn that housed several migrants from Venezuela was properly cut loose from a wrongful death suit over a migrant's suicide, an Illinois appeals court ruled Monday, saying the hotel did not enable the suicide by leaving a rope in a stairwell.

  • February 24, 2025

    Weight-Loss Spa's 'Sauna Pod' Caused Severe Burns, Suit Says

    A Pittsburgh-area woman claims that an infrared "sauna pod" at a weight-loss spa burned her, leaving permanent scarring and disfigurement, according to a lawsuit filed in Pennsylvania state court Monday that seeks to hold the Chinese manufacturer liable.

  • February 24, 2025

    Norfolk Southern's Tank Car Co. Liability Claims Head To Trial

    An Ohio federal judge said that Norfolk Southern can pursue its claims seeking to have tank car companies pay at least some of the damages over 2023's East Palestine derailment, teeing up for trial key questions of liability concerning the tank cars' maintenance and transport of toxic chemicals.

  • February 24, 2025

    Insurer Needn't Cover Hospital's $2.5M Virus Vax Probe Costs

    A Chubb unit has no obligation to pay an Illinois hospital for $2.5 million in legal costs associated with responding to federal and state probes into its COVID-19 vaccine distribution program, a federal court ruled, finding that the policy's $1 million regulatory claims sublimit applies.

  • February 24, 2025

    Wellpath Delays Chapter 11 Exit To Buy Time For Creditor Deal

    Wellpath will delay confirmation of its Chapter 11 plan by two weeks to buy time to work through objections to the reorganization of its prison healthcare business, attorneys told a Texas bankruptcy judge Monday.

  • February 24, 2025

    Purdue's New Ch. 11 Plan Sidesteps Nonconsensual Releases

    Mediators helping to craft a new settlement in the case of bankrupt OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma LP said in their latest update in New York bankruptcy court that the company's revised deal does not contain nonconsensual third-party waivers.

  • February 24, 2025

    Gaudreau Brothers' Widows Settle Civil Suits Over Fatal Crash

    The widows of professional hockey players Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau have reached settlements in their wrongful death lawsuits against Sean Higgins, the driver accused of fatally striking the brothers while they were bicycling in Oldmans Township, New Jersey, in August.

  • February 24, 2025

    Ga. Sports Bar Escapes Liability For Drunken Fatal Crash

    The Georgia Court of Appeals has released a sports bar from liability in two suits over a fatal crash allegedly caused by a soldier who was driving drunk, ruling Monday that the bar had no way of foreseeing that the soldier would get behind the wheel after he returned home from a night out.

Expert Analysis

  • 5 Defense Lessons From Prosecutors' Recent Evidence Flubs

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    The recent dismissal of Alec Baldwin’s involuntary manslaughter charges, and the filing of an ethics complaint against a former D.C. prosecutor, both provide takeaways for white collar defense counsel who suspect that prosecutors may be withholding or misrepresenting evidence, say Anden Chow at MoloLamken and Jonathan Porter at Husch Blackwell.

  • Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Is My Counterclaim Bound To Fall?

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    A Pennsylvania federal court’s recent dismissal of the defendants’ counterclaims in Morgan v. Noss should remind attorneys to avoid the temptation to repackage a claim’s facts and law into a mirror-image counterclaim, as this approach will often result in a waste of time and resources, says Matthew Selmasska at Kaufman Dolowich.

  • 6 Factors That Can Make For A 'Nuclear' Juror

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    Drawing from recent research that examines the rise in nuclear verdicts, Ken Broda-Bahm at Persuasion Strategies identifies a few juror characteristics most likely to matter in assessing case risk and preparing for jury selection — some of which are long-known, and others that are emerging post-pandemic.

  • Series

    Playing Dungeons & Dragons Makes Me A Better Lawyer

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    Playing Dungeons & Dragons – a tabletop role-playing game – helped pave the way for my legal career by providing me with foundational skills such as persuasion and team building, says Derrick Carman at Robins Kaplan.

  • Del. Dispatch: Director Caremark Claims Need Extreme Facts

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    The Delaware Court of Chancery recently dismissed Caremark claims against the directors of Centene in Bricklayers Pension Fund of Western Pennsylvania v. Brinkley, indicating a high bar for a finding of the required element of bad faith for Caremark liability, and stressing the need to resist hindsight bias, say attorneys at Fried Frank.

  • Class Action Law Makes An LLC A 'Jurisdictional Platypus'

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    The applicability of Section 1332(d)(10) of the Class Action Fairness Act is still widely misunderstood — and given the ambiguous nature of limited liability companies, the law will likely continue to confound courts and litigants — so parties should be prepared for a range of outcomes, says Andrew Gunem at Strauss Borrelli.

  • 3 Leadership Practices For A More Supportive Firm Culture

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    Traditional leadership styles frequently amplify the inherent pressures of legal work, but a few simple, time-neutral strategies can strengthen the skills and confidence of employees and foster a more collaborative culture, while supporting individual growth and contribution to organizational goals, says Benjamin Grimes at BKG Leadership.

  • Attorneys Can Benefit From Reverse-Engineering Their Cases

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    Trial advocacy programs often teach lawyers to loosely track the progression of a lawsuit during preparation — case analysis, then direct examination, then cross-examination, openings and closings — but reverse-engineering cases by working backward from opening and closing statements can streamline the process and also improve case strategy, says Reuben Guttman at Guttman Buschner.

  • E-Discovery Quarterly: Rulings On Hyperlinked Documents

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    Recent rulings show that counsel should engage in early discussions with clients regarding the potential of hyperlinked documents in electronically stored information, which will allow for more deliberate negotiation of any agreements regarding the scope of discovery, say attorneys at Sidley.

  • Loper Bright Limits Federal Agencies' Ability To Alter Course

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    The U.S. Supreme Court's recent decision to dismantle Chevron deference also effectively overrules its 2005 decision in National Cable & Telecommunications Association v. Brand X, greatly diminishing agencies' ability to change regulatory course from one administration to the next, says Steven Gordon at Holland & Knight.

  • Latest 'Nuclear Verdict' Underscores Jury-Trial Employer Risk

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    A Los Angeles Superior Court jury's recent $900 million verdict in a high-profile sexual assault and harassment case illustrates the increase in so-called nuclear verdicts in employment cases, and the need for employers to explore alternative methods of resolving disputes, say Anthony Oncidi and Morgan Peterson at Proskauer.

  • Opinion

    Prejudgment Interest Is A Game-Changer In Ill. Civil Suits

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    Civil litigation can leave plaintiffs financially strained and desperate for any recovery, especially when defendants use delaying tactics — but the Illinois Legislature's move to allow prejudgment interest has helped bring litigants to the table earlier to resolve disputes, minimizing court expenses and benefiting all parties, says Benjamin Crane at Coplan + Crane.

  • Series

    Teaching Scuba Diving Makes Me A Better Lawyer

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    As a master scuba instructor, I’ve learned how to prepare for the unexpected, overcome fears and practice patience, and each of these skills – among the many others I’ve developed – has profoundly enhanced my work as a lawyer, says Ron Raether at Troutman Pepper.

  • Lawyers Can Take Action To Honor The Voting Rights Act

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    As the Voting Rights Act reaches its 59th anniversary Tuesday, it must urgently be reinforced against recent efforts to dismantle voter protections, and lawyers can pitch in immediately by volunteering and taking on pro bono work to directly help safeguard the right to vote, says Anna Chu at We The Action.

  • How 3rd Circ. Raised Bar For Constitutional Case Injunctions

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    The Third Circuit's decision in Delaware State Sportsmen's Association v. Delaware Department of Safety & Homeland Security, rejecting the relaxed preliminary injunction standards many courts have used when plaintiffs allege constitutional harms, could portend a shift in such cases in at least four ways, say attorneys at Gibson Dunn.

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