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Product Liability
January 16, 2025
Chamber Slams Opioid Judge's PBM Audit Privilege Ruling
The Sixth Circuit must step in to prevent a pharmacy benefit manager from being forced to turn over internal compliance audit documents, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has said, arguing a lower court's decision threatens to undermine the existence of in-house counsel's attorney-client privilege.
January 15, 2025
Toyota Asks NC Court To Undo 'Impossible' Discovery Orders
Toyota and Subaru urged the North Carolina Supreme Court to review an appeals court's decision that left in place a slew of "impossible" discovery obligations, saying they are "unjustly" being held responsible for violations they did not commit and face "a likelihood of crushing" sanctions.
January 15, 2025
Hino Motors Inks $1.6B Deal To End Emissions Fraud Claims
Toyota unit Hino Motors Ltd. will pay approximately $1.6 billion in criminal and civil penalties to close out claims it illegally manipulated emissions and fuel-economy test results for more than 100,000 diesel vehicles sold in the U.S., the Justice Department announced Wednesday.
January 15, 2025
Abbott's Toddler Nutrition Drinks Aren't Healthy, Parents Claim
A trio of parents filed a proposed false advertising class action in Illinois federal court Tuesday alleging Abbott Laboratories touts its toddler drinks sold under the Similac brand as nutritionally proper for children ages 12 months to 36 months, even though the products contain added sugar which is harmful to health.
January 15, 2025
Energy Giants Escape NYC's Climate Deception Suit
A New York state judge has dismissed the Big Apple's suit accusing Exxon, BP and Shell of deceiving the public about the climate change effects of their operations, saying the city has failed to allege its consumer protection laws were violated.
January 15, 2025
3M Wants Conn. AG's PFAS Case Paused For 2nd Circ. Appeal
3M has urged a Connecticut Superior Court to stay the state's environmental lawsuit seeking damages for "forever chemical" pollution the company allegedly created, saying the Second Circuit should first review a federal judge's order remanding the case to state court.
January 15, 2025
Boeing Vexes Judge In 737 Max Records Flap With Airline
The Boeing Co. can't use a now-defunct South African airline's loss of records to dodge a suit over fallout from a 737 Max airplane deal, a Washington federal judge has said, chiding the aerospace giant for offering thin circumstantial evidence of intent without any "smoking gun."
January 15, 2025
Feds Float Safety Rule For Growing CO2 Pipeline Network
Gas- and liquid-phase carbon dioxide pipelines would be subject to new safety standards including improved emergency response and public communications practices under a rule proposed Wednesday by the federal government.
January 15, 2025
Delta Passengers Press To Keep IT Outage Suit Alive
A group of Delta customers suing the airline over its response to last year's global tech outage that grounded thousands of flights urged a Georgia federal judge Tuesday to keep their claims alive, arguing federal law doesn't permit the company's "shirking contractual obligations to which it had previously agreed."
January 15, 2025
Chinese Execs Sent Fentanyl Precursor To NY, Jury Told
A novel fentanyl-trafficking case went to trial in New York federal court on Wednesday, with prosecutors arguing that two Chinese chemical executives inked a multimillion-dollar deal to export the raw materials for the drug to a Manhattan lab in 2023.
January 15, 2025
FDA Bans Red Dye No. 3, Citing Cancer Link In Animal Studies
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday said that it is banning the use of a red dye, Red No. 3, which gives food and drinks a bright red color but has also been linked to cancer in animals.
January 15, 2025
Mass. Justices Bolster Local Enforcement Of Tobacco Laws
Massachusetts' highest court ruled Wednesday that local public health officials do not have to go to court to fine businesses caught violating the state's tobacco laws, including restrictions on the sale of flavored products.
January 15, 2025
FTC Brings Right-To-Repair Suit Against John Deere
The Federal Trade Commission slapped John Deere with a repair monopoly lawsuit in Illinois federal court Wednesday, adding to proposed class actions alleging the company illegally withholds access to needed repair tools from farmers, even in the face of mounting public pressure.
January 15, 2025
Justices Say Nixing Federal Claims Ends Federal Jurisdiction
The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday said a proposed class action over alleged mislabeling of prescription dog food was appropriately sent back to state court, holding that once the plaintiff dropped her federal claims, the federal courts no longer had jurisdiction.
January 14, 2025
Wash. Co. Says Titan Sub Implosion Claims Should Be Tossed
A Washington state-based company that allegedly helped construct the Titan submersible that imploded en route to the Titanic wreck in 2023 has said certain maritime claims lodged by the family of one of the victims are invalid because he wasn't an employee of the company.
January 14, 2025
ACT Mouthwash Label Poses Risk For Kids, Parents Claim
Makers of ACT mouthwash deceived consumers into believing its brand of "kids mouthrinse" is safe for preschoolers when it's actually more dangerous due to its candy-like flavors that encourage children to drink it, potentially poisoning or killing them, according to a parent-led proposed class action in Illinois federal court.
January 14, 2025
Wash. Justice Asks If Gun Law Impedes Self-Defense Right
A Washington state justice asked Tuesday if a state law banning the sale of large-capacity magazines for firearms can survive recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings expanding gun rights, noting that millions of people own the ammunition devices for self-defense.
January 14, 2025
Fla. Panel Told Law Precludes Damages For Smoker's Heir
Two tobacco companies told a Florida state appellate panel Tuesday that a surviving daughter of a deceased smoker can't collect millions of dollars in a wrongful death case, arguing that the law precludes her from collecting damages because her father died before the case had been redecided on appeal.
January 14, 2025
Monsanto Urges Fla. Court To Undo Punitive Damages Claim
Monsanto urged a Florida appeals court to reverse a lower court's decision allowing a punitive damages claim in a suit saying the company's Roundup weed killer causes cancer, arguing that punitive damages are barred in the case by Florida law limiting punitive damages for the same conduct in multiple cases.
January 14, 2025
Sig Sauer Settles Gun Defect Suit With Injured Mass. Officer
Sig Sauer Inc. and a police officer who claims the gunmaker's P320 pistol spontaneously discharged and injured her without the trigger being touched have reached a deal ending the lawsuit she brought against the company, a Massachusetts federal judge announced Monday.
January 14, 2025
Cannabist Moves Illinois Oil Potency Case To Federal Court
The Cannabist Co. Holdings and its affiliated companies have removed to federal court a suit alleging they make products using highly potent cannabis oils without warning consumers that the amounts of THC are illegal in Illinois.
January 14, 2025
Lockheed, CNA Pause Coverage Suit Amid Settlement Talks
A Maryland federal court agreed Tuesday to continue pausing a dispute between Lockheed Martin Corp. and a CNA Financial unit over coverage for lawsuits accusing the aerospace and defense giant of environmental contamination, as the parties negotiate a potential coverage settlement.
January 14, 2025
Tribe Members Look To Intervene In 8th Circ. Pipeline Case
Twenty members of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation have urged the Eighth Circuit to let them intervene in a Marathon Petroleum Corp. subsidiary's lawsuit challenging the Interior Department's reversal of decisions related to a pipeline crossing the reservation's land in North Dakota.
January 14, 2025
Both Michigan US Attys Resign Ahead Of Inauguration
Michigan's U.S. attorneys, Dawn Ison in the Eastern District and Mark Totten in the Western District, announced their departures this week ahead of President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration.
January 14, 2025
Monsanto Hit With $100M Jury Verdict In 10th Seattle PCB Trial
A Washington state jury said Tuesday that Monsanto should pay $100 million to four people who claim they developed various health issues from PCB exposure at a school facility, far less than the $4 billion requested by 15 plaintiffs but still adding to the $1.1 billion in losses the chemical giant already faces over the site.
Expert Analysis
After Chevron: Environmental Law May Face Hurdles
The U.S. Supreme Court's recent ruling overturning Chevron deference could prove to be as influential as the original 1984 decision, with far-reaching implications for U.S. environmental laws, including rendering recently promulgated regulations more vulnerable to challenges, say attorneys at Morgan Lewis.
Texas Ethics Opinion Flags Hazards Of Unauthorized Practice
The Texas Professional Ethics Committee's recently issued proposed opinion finding that in-house counsel providing legal services to the company's clients constitutes the unauthorized practice of law is a valuable clarification given that a UPL violation — a misdemeanor in most states — carries high stakes, say Hilary Gerzhoy and Julienne Pasichow at HWG.
2 Options For Sackler Family After High Court Purdue Ruling
After the U.S. Supreme Court recently blocked Purdue Pharma's plan to shield the family that owns the company from bankruptcy lawsuits, the Sacklers face the choice to either continue litigation, or return to the bargaining table for a settlement that doesn't eliminate creditor claims, says Gregory Germain at Syracuse University.
In Memoriam: The Modern Administrative State
On June 28, the modern administrative state, where courts deferred to agency interpretations of ambiguous statutes, died when the U.S. Supreme Court overruled its previous decision in Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council — but it is survived by many cases decided under the Chevron framework, say Joseph Schaeffer and Jessica Deyoe at Babst Calland.
Revisiting Scalia's 'What's It To You?' After Kaiser Ruling
While the U.S. Supreme Court's recent decision in Truck Insurance Exchange v. Kaiser allows insurers to be considered "parties in interest" in Chapter 11 cases, they still need to show they would face an injury in fact, answering the late Justice Antonin Scalia's "what's it to you?" question, say Brent Weisenberg and Jeff Prol at Lowenstein Sandler.
How To Clean Up Your Generative AI-Produced Legal Drafts
As law firms increasingly rely on generative artificial intelligence tools to produce legal text, attorneys should be on guard for the overuse of cohesive devices in initial drafts, and consider a few editing pointers to clean up AI’s repetitive and choppy outputs, says Ivy Grey at WordRake.
Calif. Ruling Heightens Medical Product Maker Liability
The California Supreme Court's decision in Himes v. Somatics last month articulates a new causation standard for medical product manufacturer liability that may lead to stronger product disclosures nationwide and greater friction between manufacturers and physicians, say attorneys at Cooley.
Boxing Makes Me A Better Lawyer
Boxing has influenced my legal work by enabling me to confidently hone the skills I've learned from the sport, like the ability to remain calm under pressure, evaluate an opponent's weaknesses and recognize when to seize an important opportunity, says Kirsten Soto at Clyde & Co.
Purdue Ch. 11 Ruling Reinforces Importance Of D&O Coverage
The U.S. Supreme Court's recent decision in Harrington v. Purdue Pharma, holding that a Chapter 11 reorganization cannot discharge claims against a nondebtor without affected claimants' consent, will open new litigation pathways surrounding corporate insolvency and increase the importance of robust directors and officers insurance, says Evan Bolla at Harris St. Laurent.
Industry Self-Regulation Will Shine Post-Chevron
The U.S. Supreme Court's Loper decision will shape the contours of industry self-regulation in the years to come, providing opportunities for this often-misunderstood practice, says Eric Reicin at BBB National Programs.
3 Ways Agencies Will Keep Making Law After Chevron
The U.S. Supreme Court clearly thinks it has done something big in overturning the Chevron precedent that had given deference to agencies' statutory interpretations, but regulated parties have to consider how agencies retain significant power to shape the law and its meaning, say attorneys at K&L Gates.
After Chevron
Since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the Chevron deference standard in June, this Expert Analysis series has featured attorneys discussing the potential impact across 37 different rulemaking and litigation areas.
Atty Well-Being Efforts Ignore Root Causes Of The Problem
The legal industry is engaged in a critical conversation about lawyers' mental health, but current attorney well-being programs primarily focus on helping lawyers cope with the stress of excessive workloads, instead of examining whether this work culture is even fundamentally compatible with lawyer well-being, says Jonathan Baum at Avenir Guild.
Parsing Justices' Toss Of Purdue's Controversial Ch. 11 Plan
The U.S. Supreme Court's recent nixing of OxyContin manufacturer Purdue Pharma's Chapter 11 proposal prevents the Sackler family from settling thousands of civil opioid lawsuits without the consent of all of the plaintiffs, and holds profound implications for bankruptcy cases, say attorneys at MoloLamken.
Calif. Long-Tail Ruling Continues Policyholder-Friendly Trend
The California Supreme Court's recent ruling in Truck Insurance Exchange v. Kaiser Cement & Gypsum, rejecting horizontal policy exhaustion, was the latest in a string of its decisions involving insurance coverage for continuous or progressive injury claims that favor policyholders, say Billie Mandelbaum and David Goodwin at Covington.