Inari Agriculture, Inc. Post grant review

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Inari Agriculture, Inc.

  1. January 13, 2025

    Acting USPTO Chief Won't Review Seed IP Challenge Denial

    The acting leader of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office shot down a bid by a Cambridge, Massachusetts, gene-editing startup to review decisions rejecting its challenges to patents covering purportedly novel corn seeds developed by a unit of DowDuPont spin-off Corteva.

  2. October 25, 2024

    Vidal Warned Of 'Heightened' Burden, 'Loophole' In Seed Fight

    Two new petitions in front of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office director say the patent administrative board created "a heightened new standard" in one instance and a trade secrets "loophole" in another in order to protect patents covering purportedly novel corn seeds developed by a unit of DowDuPont spin-off Corteva.

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