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The American Bar Association has announced that it is holding off on enforcing its diversity and inclusion standards for law schools in light of recent executive orders by the new presidential administration.
A Texas lawyer could face a $15,000 personal sanction and other potential discipline for filing three separate briefs using generative artificial intelligence that included fake citations in an Indiana ERISA case, according to a report and recommendation by a federal judge in the Hoosier State.
A Ninth Circuit panel on Friday revived an attorney's ownership claims over a California winery, finding factual disputes over an alleged oral agreement with the winery's former owner require a trial, while also upholding a jury's verdict that found a breach fiduciary duty claim against the attorney that awarded no damages.
A New York federal judge has ordered a Miami rapper to pay out nearly $287,000 in legal fees for litigating a failed copyright case targeting Childish Gambino's 2018 hit song "This Is America," less than a third of what the record label lawyers and others had asked for.
After emerging as a hot-ticket practice a few years ago, the psychedelic law sector has encountered some recent setbacks as progress toward loosening state and federal restrictions on mind-altering substances has stalled. But while several psychedelic boutiques have folded, attorneys say that the small community of lawyers passionate about this area of law aren't going anywhere.
As law firms grow larger and more tech-driven, law firm leaders are shifting their focus more on embracing technology, refining communication strategies and building stronger personal brands to guide their firms through changes, an upcoming white paper found.
Clement & Murphy PLLC, Ropes & Gray LLP, Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison LLP and Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP lead this week's edition of Law360 Legal Lions, after the First Circuit determined that a major avenue for False Claims Act enforcement requires proof that kickbacks directly changed medical treatment decisions.
The legal industry marked another action-packed week with a bevy of BigLaw hires and a new special spring bonus. Test your legal news savvy here with Law360 Pulse's weekly quiz.
Amid a push by Delaware lawmakers to overhaul the First State's corporation law provisions, the state Senate is seeking recommendations aimed at avoiding "excessive" attorney fee awards in corporate litigation, drawing a mixed reaction from lawyers and a corporate law scholar.
Connecticut attorney Ryan McKeen is causing irreparable harm to the windup of his former law firm and should be barred from any further involvement like communicating with vendors, contractors and accountants, his onetime 50-50 partner told a state court judge in seeking a temporary injunction.
A Texas federal judge is threatening a prominent Houston attorney and elected official with criminal charges for filing a document allegedly signed by an expert witness who had been dead for nearly a year.
Major New Jersey personal injury firm Garces Grabler & LeBrocq PC has settled a lawsuit with its former chief operating officer, who accused it and attorneys there of sexually harassing her and unfairly burdening her with work that was beneath her position.
A legal consulting firm that markets itself as a "comprehensive lawsuit protection company" serving medical practices was hit with a fine on Thursday by the Ohio Supreme Court for practicing law in the state without a license for more than a decade.
Nearly 40% of surveyed legal professionals said in 2024 that their company has implemented an enterprise artificial intelligence solution like Microsoft Copilot, an increase from 20% of respondents in 2023, according to a new report.
A promotion to partner or election to practice group chair means a slew of new responsibilities and also lots of well-deserved recognition. Law360 reveals the list of attorneys whose commitment to legal excellence earned them highly coveted spots in the law firm leadership ranks. Find out if your old legal friends — or rivals — moved up in the fourth quarter of the year.
Miami-based Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod LLP announced Thursday that it has hired an experienced tax attorney who previously worked as a managing director with Big 4 accounting firm KPMG as a partner.
In a new opinion, the State Bar of Texas' ethics watchdog said lawyers shouldn't pay revenue percentages to nonlawyer-owned businesses that provide legal support services, though attorneys may own equity interests in such companies under certain conditions.
Savannah, Georgia, officials have doubled down on their bid to sanction Claiborne Firm PC attorneys for allegedly mischaracterizing facts during a press conference related to the fatal police shooting of a Black man in 2022.
Netflix urged a California judge Tuesday to require a prolific patent plaintiff's former counsel to explain why they shouldn't be held in civil contempt and sanctioned for allegedly giving Netflix's confidential financial information to nonparty AiPi LLC, arguing discovery in another patent case has revealed AiPi is "shadow lead counsel."
As a wave of government attorneys seek private sector posts amid the Trump administration’s slashing of the federal workforce, recruiters and other industry experts in Washington, D.C., say job applicants should closely examine their skill sets, be entrepreneurial, and have patience as law firms evaluate a deluge of candidates.
Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter's company Roc Nation has asked a Texas federal court to let it escape two lawsuits against it and Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP alleging that they recruited former clients to bring malpractice claims against the Buzbee Law Firm in retaliation for accusing the rap star of rape.
A dispute over the breakup of a Connecticut personal injury firm known for high-dollar verdicts must for now return to arbitration, a Connecticut judge ruled Wednesday, saying an arbiter, not the court, must decide initial questions about the feud's proper forum.
A California state judge facing trial this week on charges of murdering his wife lost his bid to have jurors tour the living room of the house where she was shot to death, after a Los Angeles County judge ruled Tuesday that there's sufficient photographic evidence of the scene.
The opening weeks of Georgia's legislative session have seen Republican lawmakers make their most forceful push in years to overhaul the state's civil justice system, placing premises liability and third-party litigation funding squarely in their crosshairs.
Leech Tishman announced Tuesday that it added a five-attorney team based in Chicago from Kelly Olson Michod DeHaan & Richter LLC following its combination with the firm — one of the city's oldest.
Recent legal challenges against DoNotPay’s "robot lawyer” application highlight pressing questions about the degree to which artificial intelligence can be used for legal tasks while remaining on the right side of both consumer protection laws and prohibitions against the unauthorized practice of law, says Kristen Niven at Frankfurt Kurnit.
At some level, every practicing lawyer is experiencing the ever-increasing speed of change — and while some practice management processes have gotten more efficient, other things about the legal profession were better before supposed improvements were made, says Jay Silberblatt, president of the Pennsylvania Bar Association.
Law firms will be able to reap great long-term benefits if they adopt strategies to nurture four critical components of their employees' psychological wellness and performance — hope, efficacy, resilience and optimism, says Dennis Stolle at the American Psychological Association.
With caseloads and spending increasing, in-house counsel might find themselves called to opine on the risks and benefits of litigation more often, and they should look at five Sun Tzu maxims from the ancient Chinese classic "The Art of War" to inform their approach to any suit, says Jeff Golimowski at Womble Bond.
Not only can effective mentorship have a profound impact on women and people of color entering the legal field, but it also benefits mentors and the legal profession as a whole, creating a true win-win situation for all involved, says Natasha Cortes at Grossman Roth.
Generative AI applications like ChatGPT are unlikely to ever replace attorneys for a variety of practical reasons — but given their practice-enhancing capabilities, lawyers who fail to leverage these tools may be rendered obsolete, says Eran Kahana at Maslon.
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's recent elimination of a rule that partially counted pro bono work toward continuing legal education highlights the importance of volunteer work in intellectual property practice and its ties to CLE, and puts a valuable tool for hands-on attorney education in the hands of the states, say Lisa Holubar and Ariel Katz at Irwin.
Recommendations recently issued by a special committee of the Florida Bar represent a realistic, pragmatic approach to increasing the accessibility and affordability of legal services, at a time when the disconnect between the legal profession and the public at large has widened considerably, says Gary Lesser, president of the Florida Bar.
Ask A Mentor: How Do I Relay Shortcomings To Associates?Michael Cohen at Duane Morris discusses the best ways to articulate how an associate is not meeting expectations, and why documentation of performance management is crucial for their growth and protecting the firm from discrimination suits.
Several forces are reshaping partners’ expectations about profit-sharing, and as compensation structures evolve in response, firms should keep certain fundamentals in mind to build a successful partner reward system, say Michael Roch at MHPR Advisors and Ray D'Cruz at Performance Leader.
The legal profession faces challenges that urgently demand new solutions, and lawyers and firms can address this by leaning on other industries that have more experience practicing, teaching and incorporating innovation into their core business and service models, says Jennifer Leonard at the University of Pennsylvania.
Hidden in the U.S. Supreme Court’s opinions from the last term are each justice’s talents for crafting choice turns of phrase, highlighting best practices for attorneys to jump-start their own writing, says Ross Guberman at BriefCatch.