
  • March 21, 2025

    Trump Administration Reveals Details On WOTUS Intentions

    The Trump administration on Friday revealed that it plans to prioritize clarifying what types of water bodies are covered by the waters of the U.S. Clean Water Act rule during its upcoming review of the Biden-era regulations.

  • March 21, 2025

    DC Circ. Won't Halt Revamp Of Public Safety Spectrum

    The D.C. Circuit has denied requests from two sheriffs' groups and the San Francisco transit system to delay the Federal Communications Commission's order revamping the 4.9 gigahertz spectrum band, which is heavily used by public safety organizations.

  • March 21, 2025

    BMW Gets PTAB To Knock Out Processor Patent

    The Patent Trial and Appeal Board has found that BMW was able to show that all the claims it challenged in a patent for processor technology as invalid as obvious.

  • March 21, 2025

    Boeing's Ex-CEOs, Suppliers Escape 737 Max Family's Claims

    An Illinois federal judge on Friday dismissed a suit from an Ethiopian Airlines crash victim's family alleging former Boeing CEOs were personally liable for the company's negligence, holding the complaint lacks facts regarding what the CEOs knew about the jet's overall safety after another crash five months earlier.

  • March 21, 2025

    2nd Circ. Affirms Union Funds' Early Win In Oil Co. Audit Fight

    The Second Circuit affirmed Friday an early win for a group of Teamsters local union benefit funds in a dispute against a heating oil transportation company, backing a lower court's action to force compliance with the union local's audit of contributions for covered work by the company's truck drivers.

  • March 21, 2025

    UK Litigation Roundup: Here's What You Missed In London

    This past week in London has seen a sub-postmaster sue the Post Office and Fujitsu, Russian insurer Ingosstrakh hit the Financial Times with a defamation claim, and Britvic-owned Robinsons Soft Drinks file a passing off claim against Aldi. Here, Law360 looks at these and other new claims in the U.K.

  • March 20, 2025

    NTSB Says Maryland Didn't Track Risks Of Key Bridge Collapse

    The National Transportation Safety Board recommended Thursday that 68 bridges in 19 states be evaluated for risk of collapse in the event of a vessel strike, and found that Maryland officials failed to adequately calculate vulnerabilities in Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge well before its collapse last year.

  • March 20, 2025

    3 Firms Win Lead Plaintiff Spot In Boeing Chancery Case

    Bleichmar Fonti & Auld LLP, Grant & Eisenhofer PA and Scott + Scott Attorneys at Law LLP got the nod Thursday to pursue potentially massive damages in a Delaware Court of Chancery derivative suit on behalf of The Boeing Co. arising from a string of plane crashes and oversight failures.

  • March 20, 2025

    Sanyo Owes $1 In Touchscreen Tech Case, Judge Finds

    An electronics manufacturer on Thursday was awarded $1 in damages by a Michigan federal judge after it prevailed on its claim that Sanyo North America Corp. wrongly used its touchscreen technology to develop a vehicle console for General Motors.

  • March 20, 2025

    Industry Groups Criticize Withdrawal Of PTAB Denial Memo

    Groups representing major industries have written to the White House expressing "grave concern" about the patent office's withdrawal of a guidance memo limiting when patent challenges can be denied, and large tech companies told a court the office's move bolsters their case against such denials.

  • March 20, 2025

    Hesai Says DOD's View On 'Chinese Military Co.' Too Broad

    The legal team representing a Shanghai-based manufacturer of lidar products urged a D.C. federal judge to remove the company from the U.S. Department of Defense's list of "Chinese military companies," saying the department's definition of the term is so expansive it could apply to almost any company in China.

  • March 20, 2025

    Utah High Court Leaves Youth Climate Claims Down For Now

    The Utah Supreme Court on Thursday found that a group of youths hasn't shown it has grounds to pursue a lawsuit against the state over its energy policies that allegedly contribute to climate change.

  • March 20, 2025

    No Coal Plant Rescue Plans On The Table, FERC Chair Says

    President Donald Trump's recent call for his administration to encourage more coal-fired power use hasn't resulted in any order to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to craft policies to prop up coal plants, Chairman Mark Christie said Thursday.

  • March 20, 2025

    Oil And Gas Cos. Say DC 'Greenwashing' Claims Are Too Vague

    A D.C. Superior Court judge pressed both sides in the district's consumer protection suit against four major oil and gas companies Thursday to say whether the city's claims that the companies misled consumers through systematic "greenwashing" campaigns fall within the scope of what she called a "very broad" statute.

  • March 20, 2025

    PTAB Labels Different Constructions Ruling As Informative

    The Patent Trial and Appeal Board on Thursday designated as informative a December decision shooting down Cambridge Mobile Telematics Inc.'s challenge to a car crash detection patent, saying it provides guidance on an issue involving claim construction arguments by challengers.

  • March 20, 2025

    Mich. Judge Warns No-Fault Rulings Rely On 'Slick' Ground

    A Michigan appellate judge on Wednesday flagged potentially flawed reasoning behind recent appellate decisions regarding minimum bodily injury no-fault coverage under state law, but joined a majority panel in finding an insurer must pay the statutory minimums for a fatal crash because the policyholder did not select a lower option.  

  • March 20, 2025

    Progressive Wins $25M Appeal In Fla. Vehicle Injury Suit

    A Florida state appellate panel reversed a $25 million judgment against Progressive American Insurance Co. in a lawsuit brought by a pedestrian who was struck by a car, finding that the insurer wasn't given the required 60-day notice to address any bad faith dispute before a complaint was filed.

  • March 20, 2025

    Shipping Co. Sinks Rival's Antitrust Case Over Guam Routes

    Matson Inc. has escaped antitrust claims from the only other shipping company carrying cargo from the U.S. mainland to Guam after a D.C. federal court found American President Lines LLC "failed to deliver" enough evidence showing Matson monopolized the market.

  • March 20, 2025

    7th Circ. Backs Chicago Rail In Canine Officer's ADA Suit

    The Seventh Circuit said Thursday it won't revive a Chicago rail officer's suit claiming he was removed from his canine handler role after testing positive for drugs he had been prescribed, faulting him for failing to respond to the agency's requests to clarify the results.

  • March 20, 2025

    Toyota's Hino Motors To Pay $1.6B In Emissions Fraud Deal

    Toyota unit Hino Motors Ltd. admitted to manipulating emissions and fuel-economy test results for over 100,000 diesel vehicles it sold in the U.S., formalizing part of its $1.6 billion January deal resolving the U.S. Department of Justice's civil and criminal allegations it rigged its test result.

  • March 19, 2025

    Full 9th Circ. Quizzes BNSF On Reasons For Conductor Firing

    The en banc Ninth Circuit hinted Wednesday it might stand by a panel's earlier ruling overturning BNSF Railway Co.'s win in an ex-conductor's retaliation suit, with several judges expressing skepticism the railway had shown he would've been fired for dishonesty and insubordination even if he hadn't refused to stop conducting a brake test.

  • March 19, 2025

    GM Seeks Full 6th Circ. Guidance Amid Class Action Surge

    Sixth Circuit judges on Wednesday dug into whether they should undo a panel's ruling upholding class certification for consumers who allege General Motors sold vehicles with defective transmissions, as the automaker urged the judges to give courts guidance on class certification at a time the circuit has been "inundated" with class actions.

  • March 19, 2025

    Texas Justices OK With Venue Appeal Despite 'Politics' Involved

    A Texas Supreme Court justice lamented Wednesday that venue choice has become "a matter of politics," but told counsel for the family of a girl killed when a bus ran into her that the law seemingly gives the opposing party the right to appeal a venue decision from the trial court.

  • March 19, 2025

    Ex-Eminem Employee Charged With IP Infringement

    A former sound engineer for Eminem was charged Wednesday with criminal infringement of a copyright and interstate transportation of stolen goods for selling about two dozen unreleased songs created by the rapper that were then made public on the internet, according to a criminal complaint filed in Michigan federal court.

  • March 19, 2025

    2 Convicted For Role In 2022 Deaths Of 53 Migrants In Texas

    Two men have been convicted by a Texas federal jury for their role in a human smuggling operation blamed for the deaths of 53 migrants who were found in a tractor-trailer in the Lone Star State in June 2022.

Expert Analysis

  • Opinion

    Inconsistent Injury-In-Fact Rules Hinder Federal Practice

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    A recent Third Circuit decision, contradicting a previous ruling about whether consumers of contaminated products have suffered an injury in fact, illustrates the deep confusion this U.S. Supreme Court standard creates among federal judges and practitioners, who deserve a simpler method of determining which cases have federal standing, says Eric Dwoskin at Dwoskin Wasdin.

  • Expect Continued Antitrust Enforcement In Procurement

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    The scope of federal antitrust enforcement under the second Trump administration remains uncertain, but the Procurement Collusion Strike Force, which collaborates with federal and state agencies to enforce antitrust laws in the government procurement space, is likely to remain active — so contractors must stay vigilant, say attorneys at Ballard Spahr.

  • In-House Counsel Pointers For Preserving Atty-Client Privilege

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    Several recent rulings illustrate the challenges in-house counsel can face when attempting to preserve attorney-client privilege, but a few best practices can help safeguard communications and effectively assert the privilege in an increasingly scrutinized corporate environment, says Daniel Garrie at Law & Forensics.

  • Series

    Collecting Rare Books Makes Me A Better Lawyer

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    My collection of rare books includes several written or owned by prominent lawyers from early U.S. history, and immersing myself in their stories helps me feel a deeper connection to my legal practice and its purpose, says Douglas Brown at Manatt Health.

  • What NHTSA's Autonomous Vehicle Proposal Means For Cos.

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    The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's recently proposed framework for review and oversight of vehicles equipped with automated driving systems offers companies a more flexible, streamlined approach to regulatory approvals for AVs, including new exemption pathways, assessments by independent experts and other innovations, say attorneys at Covington.

  • Preparing For Stricter Anti-Boycott Enforcement Under Trump

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    Given the complexity of U.S. anti-boycott regulations and the likelihood of stepped-up enforcement under the new administration, companies should consider adopting risk-based anti-boycott compliance programs that include training employees to recognize and assess potential boycott requests, and to report them expeditiously when necessary, say attorneys at Debevoise.

  • Opinion

    New DOJ Leaders Should Curb Ill-Conceived Prosecutions

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    First-of-their-kind cases have seemingly led to a string of overly aggressive prosecutions in recent years, so newly sworn-in leaders of the U.S. Department of Justice should consider creating reporting channels to stop unwise prosecutions before they snowball, says Jonathan Porter at Husch Blackwell.

  • Opinion

    Judge Should Not Have Been Reprimanded For Alito Essay

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    Senior U.S. District Judge Michael Ponsor's New York Times essay critiquing Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito for potential ethical violations absolutely cannot be construed as conduct prejudicial to the administration of the business of the courts, says Ashley London at the Thomas R. Kline School of Law of Duquesne University.

  • Aviation Watch: Litigation Liabilities After DC Air Tragedy

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    While it will likely take at least a year before the National Transportation Safety Board determines a probable cause for the Jan. 29 collision between a helicopter and a jet over Washington, D.C., the facts so far suggest the government could face litigation claims, says Alan Hoffman, a retired attorney and aviation expert.

  • 5 Key Takeaways From Energy Secretary's Confirmation

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    The recent confirmation hearing for U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Chris Wright highlighted several important themes, including his vision for transforming the DOE, his nuanced stance on renewables, and a renewed emphasis on energy abundance and affordability, says Connor McCulloch at Ankura Consulting Group.

  • Lights, Camera, Ethics? TV Lawyers Tend To Set Bad Example

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    Though fictional movies and television shows portraying lawyers are fun to watch, Hollywood’s inaccurate depictions of legal ethics can desensitize attorneys to ethics violations and lead real-life clients to believe that good lawyers take a scorched-earth approach, says Nancy Rapoport at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

  • A Compliance Update For Credit Card Reward Partnerships

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    While the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's interest in credit card rewards programs could fade under the new administration, a recent circular focusing on both issuers and their merchant partners means that co-brand credit card partnerships with banks could be subject to increased scrutiny ahead, say attorneys at Goodwin.

  • Perspectives

    Accountant-Owned Law Firms Could Blur Ethical Lines

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    KPMG’s recent application to open a legal practice in Arizona represents the first overture by an accounting firm to take advantage of the state’s relaxed law firm ownership rules, but enforcing and supervising the practice of law by nonattorneys could prove particularly challenging, says Seth Laver at Goldberg Segalla.

  • AI Will Soon Transform The E-Discovery Industrial Complex

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    Todd Itami at Covington discusses how generative artificial intelligence will reshape the current e-discovery paradigm, replacing the blunt instrument of data handling with a laser scalpel of fully integrated enterprise solutions — after first making e-discovery processes technically and legally harder.

  • Managing Transatlantic Antitrust Investigations And Litigation

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    As transatlantic competition regulators cooperate more closely and European antitrust investigations increasingly spark follow-up civil suits in the U.S., companies must understand how to simultaneously juggle high-stakes multigovernment investigations and manage the risks of expensive new claims across jurisdictions, say lawyers at Paul Weiss.

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