
  • March 03, 2025

    Justices To Weigh Double-Jeopardy Claim In Robbery Case

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday agreed to wade into a seven-circuit split over whether the double jeopardy clause allows for separate sentences on different charges stemming from the same robbery — an issue that can lead to significantly longer prison terms.

  • March 03, 2025

    Former SDNY Top Prosecutor Kim Returns To Private Sector

    Veteran white-collar defense lawyer Edward Kim, who most recently served as acting U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, said Monday he is returning to the firm he founded, Krieger Lewin LLP, which will be known as KKL.

  • February 28, 2025

    Fed. Circ. Orders Interest Recalculation In Hardware IP Row

    Halo Electronics' nearly two-decades-old dispute with a rival completed its fifth trip to the Federal Circuit, with the appeals court on Friday ordering a Nevada federal court to recalculate the amount of interest Halo could collect on a jury verdict.

  • February 28, 2025

    Sterilization Plant Head 'Shocked' By EPA Cancer Risk Report

    The former manager of a Colorado medical sterilization plant testified Friday that he was "shocked" by a 2018 Environmental Protection Agency report that identified the area around the facility as having an increased cancer risk, telling a jury that no regulatory agency until that point had informed him a sterilization chemical might be a risk to the community.

  • February 28, 2025

    Intel Wants License Question Settled Before VLSI Trial In May

    Intel Corp. is asking U.S. District Judge Alan Albright to hold that a license it has with Finjan Holdings also covers patents owned by its affiliates, meaning a jury would only decide whether its litigation foe VLSI Technology is one of those affiliates.

  • February 28, 2025

    'Moana' IP Theft Accuser Forged Evidence, Jury Hears

    Counsel for a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Co. sought during cross-examination Friday to undercut the credibility of an artist claiming "Moana" ripped off his work, pointing out that the plaintiff doctored a key document in the case and offered money to potential witnesses.

  • February 28, 2025

    Curaleaf Sold Assets Before $32M Verdict, Pot Farm Says

    Two subsidiaries of Curaleaf Holdings Inc. must be forced to immediately pay a $36.8 million jury verdict plus interest owed to a Michigan cannabis farm, the cultivator told a federal judge in a scathing motion, saying the companies feign poverty while spending considerable sums in legal representation.

  • February 28, 2025

    9th Circ. Backs Developer's Conviction For Bribing LA Pol

    The Ninth Circuit upheld a developer's conviction for bribing former Los Angeles City Councilor Jose Huizar to foil a challenge to a downtown project, ruling Thursday the district court didn't have to instruct jurors that the government had to prove the developer bribed Huizar to take a specific, official act.

  • February 28, 2025

    Robotic Surgery Co. Appealing Tossed Intuitive Antitrust Case

    Surgical Instrument Service Co. Inc. is appealing to the Ninth Circuit after a California federal court tossed its $140 million antitrust case accusing Intuitive Surgical Inc. of blocking third parties from refurbishing components for its popular da Vinci surgery robot at the end of trial.

  • February 28, 2025

    NY Man Found Guilty Of $7M Crypto Investment Scheme

    A New York man has been found guilty by a California federal jury of 14 counts related to allegations that he stole millions of dollars' worth of investment funds and moved them to sports betting sites located outside the U.S.

  • February 28, 2025

    SuperValu Complains About Falsity Question In FCA Case

    Whistleblowers claiming SuperValu overcharged the government by $123 million for prescriptions can ask witnesses a single question alluding to a bitterly contested legal finding in the False Claims Act case in Illinois federal court, the grocer revealed in a motion objecting to the judge allowing that question.

  • February 28, 2025

    DA Eyes Type Of Weinstein Evidence That Sank 1st Verdict

    Manhattan prosecutors preparing to retry Harvey Weinstein want a jury to hear about alleged sexual assaults by the jailed Hollywood mogul that are not part of his indictment — the same kind of testimony that doomed his original conviction on appeal.

  • February 28, 2025

    11th Circ. Asked To Revive Defect Claims In Tesla Crash Suit

    The father of a teenager killed in a Tesla crash asked the Eleventh Circuit on Friday to revive his battery defect claims against the electric car maker, arguing that the lower court should have allowed them to go to a jury.

  • February 27, 2025

    Don't Fault Sterilization Co. For What It Didn't Know, Jury Told

    A sterilization company's expert told a Colorado state jury Thursday that the company can't be held responsible for not using pollution controls that didn't yet exist, arguing the company has always reasonably controlled emissions of a toxic sterilization chemical based on what was known at the time.

  • February 27, 2025

    Artist Immediately Knew 'Moana' Was A Ripoff, Jury Hears

    An artist testified in California federal court Thursday that he was "shocked" upon taking his stepson to see "Moana" in a movie theater in 2016, saying he was certain the first time he saw the blockbuster film that The Walt Disney Co. had copied his own animated work.

  • February 27, 2025

    DOJ Tells DC Circ. To Keep Apple Out Of Google Case

    The U.S. Department of Justice is urging the D.C. Circuit to keep Apple out of its remedies case against Google, arguing that Apple "sat on its hands" for years despite knowing from the outset of the litigation that its default search agreement with Google was at stake.

  • February 27, 2025

    Convicted COVID Aid Fraudster Gets 11 Years For $7.6M Plot

    A man convicted of conspiring to bilk about $7.6 million from the U.S. Small Business Administration through COVID-19 relief applications submitted in other people's names has been sentenced to 11 years in prison, New York federal prosecutors said Thursday.

  • February 27, 2025

    Lead Testing Co. Director To Admit False Statements

    A former quality assurance director for Magellan Diagnostics will plead guilty to making misleading statements to the government about a malfunction in a device that measures lead levels in blood, according to filings in Massachusetts federal court Thursday.

  • February 27, 2025

    Judge Limits Atty Expert Witnesses In Legal Malpractice Trial

    An Illinois federal judge on Wednesday barred attorneys who aren't expert witnesses from giving testimony about what they would have done differently from Quinn Johnston Henderson & Pretorius Chtd. in an upcoming trial on claims the firm's botched defense caused their client "enormous loss."

  • February 27, 2025

    Magnet Co. Execs To Plead Guilty For Emailing Info To China

    Two magnetics manufacturing company executives have agreed to enter a plea of guilty for their role in emailing schematics from U.S. Department of Defense contractors to Chinese companies and will face three years behind bars.

  • February 27, 2025

    Conn. Atty Set To Go To Trial In Self-Defense Shooting Case

    A Connecticut attorney is preparing for trial this week, but probably not in the way many would think — this time, he's appearing before a judge as the defendant in a manslaughter case over the 2021 shooting death of a man outside his law office.

  • February 27, 2025

    Cognizant Execs' Trial Could Test Force Of FCPA Pause

    The government's decision to proceed with a trial of two former Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp. executives despite the Trump administration's retreat from Foreign Corrupt Practices Act enforcement adds a layer of intrigue to a legal saga that has already captivated the white collar bar given the rarity of such cases ever reaching juries.

  • February 27, 2025

    How Adams' Latest Move Might Checkmate The DOJ

    New York City Mayor Eric Adams' push to permanently dismiss his federal corruption case is a clever legal strategy that appears to have backed the government into a corner, experts say.

  • February 26, 2025

    Calif. Judge Murdered His Wife, DA Tells Jury As Trial Wraps

    California state court judge Jeffrey Ferguson intentionally killed his wife by drunkenly shooting her to death in their home after a heated argument, prosecutors told jurors during closing arguments Wednesday, while Ferguson's attorney argued that the gun accidentally discharged as the judge tried to set it on a table.

  • February 26, 2025

    Tesla Wins Punitive Damages Appeal In Fla. Fatal Crash Suit

    Tesla Inc. won't face punitive damage claims in a lawsuit accusing it of causing a 2019 crash that killed a Model 3 driver, a Florida appeals court ruled Wednesday, saying the driver's widow failed to prove that the company likely knew its self-driving feature would cause death or great bodily injury.

Expert Analysis

  • Opinion

    1 Year After Rule 702 Changes, Courts Have Made Progress

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    In the year since amendments to the Federal Rules of Evidence went into effect, many federal judges have applied the new expert witness standard correctly, excluding unreliable testimony from their courts — but now state courts need to update their own rules accordingly, says Lee Mickus at Evans Fears.

  • An Underutilized Tool To Dismiss Meritless Claims In Texas

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    In Texas, special appearances provide a useful but often overlooked tool for out-of-state defendants to escape meritless claims early in litigation, thus limiting discovery and creating a pathway for immediate appellate review, say attorneys at Winston & Strawn.

  • When US Privilege Law Applies To Docs Made Outside The US

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    As globalization manifests itself in disputes over foreign-created documents, a California federal court’s recent trademark decision illustrates nuances of both U.S. privilege frameworks and foreign evidentiary protections that attorneys must increasingly bear in mind, say attorneys at Hunton.

  • Notable 2024 Trademark Cases And What To Watch In 2025

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    Emerging disputes between established tech giants and smaller trademark holders promise to test the boundaries of trademark protection in 2025, following a 2024 marked with disputes in areas ranging from cybersquatting to geographic marks, says Danner Kline at Bradley Arant.

  • 'Minimal Participant' Bar Is Tough To Clear For Whistleblowers

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    Under the U.S. Department of Justice’s corporate whistleblower pilot program, would-be whistleblowers will find it tough to show that they only minimally participated in criminal misconduct while still providing material information, but sentencing precedent shows how they might prove their eligibility for an award, say attorneys at MoloLamken.

  • What 2024 Trends In Marketing, Comms Hiring Mean For 2025

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    The state of hiring in legal industry marketing, business development and communications over the past 12 months was marked by a number of trends — from changes in the C-suite to lateral move challenges — providing clues for what’s to come in the year ahead, says Ben Curle at Ambition.

  • How Attorneys Can Master The Art Of Eye Contact At Trial

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    As a growing body of research confirms that eye contact facilitates communication and influences others, attorneys should follow a few pointers to maximize the power of eye contact during voir dire, witness preparation, direct examination and cross-examination, says trial consultant Noelle Nelson.

  • Series

    Group Running Makes Me A Better Lawyer

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    The combination of physical fitness and community connection derived from running with a group of business leaders has, among other things, helped me to stay grounded, improve my communication skills, and develop a deeper empathy for clients and colleagues, says Jessica Shpall Rosen at Greenwald Doherty.

  • How White Collar Defense Attys Can Use Summary Witnesses

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    Few criminal defense attorneys have successfully utilized summary witnesses in the past, but several recent success stories show that it can be a worthwhile trial tactic to help juries understand the complex decision-making at issue, says Jonathan Porter at Husch Blackwell.

  • 7th Circ. Ruling Muddies Split On Trade Secret Damages

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    The Seventh Circuit's recent endorsement in Motorola v. Hytera of a Second Circuit limit on avoided-cost damages under the Defend Trade Secrets Act contradicts even its own precedents, and will further confuse the scope of a developing circuit conflict that the U.S. Supreme Court has already twice declined to resolve, says Jordan Rice at MoloLamken.

  • Opinion

    6 Changes I Would Make If I Ran A Law School

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    Reuben Guttman at Guttman Buschner identifies several key issues plaguing law schools and discusses potential solutions, such as opting out of the rankings game and mandating courses in basic writing skills.

  • How White Collar Attys Can Use Mythic Archetypes At Trial

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    A careful reading of a classic screenwriting guide shows that fairy tales and white collar trials actually have a lot in common, and defense attorneys would do well to tell a hero’s journey at trial, relying on universal character archetypes to connect with the jury, says Jack Sharman at Lightfoot Franklin.

  • Firms Still Have The Edge In Lateral Hiring, But Buyer Beware

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    Partner mobility data suggests that the third quarter of this year continued to be a buyer’s market, with the average candidate demanding less compensation for a larger book of business — but moving into the fourth quarter, firms should slow down their hiring process to minimize risks, say officers at Decipher Investigative Intelligence.

  • Teaching Your Witness To Beat The Freeze/Appease Response

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    In addition to fight-or-flight, witnesses may experience the freeze/appease response at trial or deposition — where they become a deer in headlights, agreeing with opposing counsel’s questions and damaging their credibility in the process — but certain strategies can help, says Bill Kanasky at Courtroom Sciences.

  • Think Like A Lawyer: 1 Type Of Case Complexity Stands Out

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    In contrast to some cases that appear complex due to voluminous evidence or esoteric subject matter, a different kind of complexity involves tangled legal and factual questions, each with a range of possible outcomes, which require a “sliding scale” approach instead of syllogistic reasoning, says Luke Andrews at Poole Huffman.

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