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February 18, 2025
Convicted Pharma Exec Seeks Trial Redo, Citing Feds' Error
A former pharmacy executive convicted on criminal charges over a healthcare scheme that defrauded the government of $160 million has urged a Texas federal court to grant him a new trial, arguing an admission of error by the federal government necessitates a redo.
February 18, 2025
Magnetics Co. Loses Constitutional Grounds Dismissal Bid
A Kentucky federal judge on Tuesday refused to dismiss certain claims against a magnetics manufacturer and its executives, finding the assertion that technical-data licensing requirements are unconstitutionally vague needs more examination at trial.
February 18, 2025
Construction Co. Awarded $75M In Colo. Casino Fight
A Colorado state judge has awarded a Denver construction company $74.6 million in a complicated fight over the quarter-billion-dollar expansion of a casino resort, finding the casino owner was "combative and adversarial" and caused the bulk of the project's delays.
February 18, 2025
Trials Group Of The Year: Keker
Attorneys at Keker Van Nest & Peters LLP prevailed at trial last year in a $1.4 billion patent case with major implications for the global diabetes care market, one of a handful of courtroom victories that earned the firm a spot among the 2024 Law360 Trials Groups of the Year.
February 18, 2025
DOJ Noncommittal On Cognizant Bribe Trial Amid FCPA Order
In the wake of President Donald Trump's Feb. 10 executive order pausing enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, prosecutors told a federal judge Monday that they are preparing for a March 3 trial in their charges alleging two former executives of Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp. authorized a bribe to an Indian official, but that the case is under review.
February 18, 2025
Karen Read Takes Double Jeopardy Appeal To Federal Court
Karen Read, the Massachusetts woman who stands accused of killing her police officer boyfriend with her SUV, asked a federal court Tuesday to overrule the top state appellate court and hold that she cannot be retried on two charges she said jurors unanimously rejected.
February 18, 2025
Adams, Feds Ordered To Explain Dismissal Bid At Hearing
A Manhattan federal judge demanded details Tuesday and scheduled a hearing after the Justice Department asked to dismiss criminal charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams, signaling that the court would not rubber-stamp the request following allegations of a corrupt bargain and mass resignations of prosecutors in protest.
February 14, 2025
Morgan & Morgan Atty Accused Of Setting Up Rape Charges
Three men, including a real estate executive and a broker, facing sexual assault charges are asking a Florida court to force prosecutors to hand over reports by the victim's attorney at Morgan & Morgan PA, who the defendants say became part of the prosecution team and helped bring the charges.
February 14, 2025
Ex-Greenberg Traurig Atty Gets 30 Months For Tax Fraud
A former partner in the Amsterdam office of Greenberg Traurig has been sentenced to 30 months in prison after pleading guilty in New York federal court to helping file a false tax return as part of an alleged ploy to help a famous DJ hide global income from the Internal Revenue Service.
February 14, 2025
Tech Cos. Say Gilstrap Bungled Eligibility Instructions
Three tech companies are taking issue at the Federal Circuit with jury instructions in a Texas case that implicate the U.S. Supreme Court's Alice decision, telling the Federal Circuit that the instructions "lower the standard for patent eligibility."
February 14, 2025
Feds Say Las Vegas Man Ran $24M Cryptocurrency Ponzi Con
A Las Vegas man who allegedly cheated hundreds of investors out of $24 million with promises that his cryptocurrency company used artificial intelligence and would pay returns of up to 30% has pleaded not guilty to fraud and money laundering charges.
February 14, 2025
Jury Awards Woman Injured On 'Harry Potter' Ride $7.25M
An Arizona woman was awarded $7.25 million by a California federal jury for injuries she sustained while exiting a "Harry Potter" ride at Universal Studios Hollywood, finding the theme park's popular attraction was dangerous and responsible for a crushed spine she suffered in the fall.
February 14, 2025
Mich. Abortion Provider Rule Not Evidence-Based, Judge Told
A professor of midwifery testified Friday that abortions can be safely performed by nondoctor clinicians, on the second day of a trial to determine if certain abortion regulations in Michigan have unconstitutionally limited access to the procedure.
February 14, 2025
Ford Hit With $2.5B Punitive Verdict In Truck Roof Deaths Suit
A Georgia federal jury hit Ford Motor Co. with a $2.5 billion punitive damages verdict a day after jurors found the automaker liable for the wrongful death of a couple who died in a rollover wreck of their Ford F-250 Super Duty pickup.
February 14, 2025
Feds Hit With Brady Claims As Implant Kickback Trial Looms
Two defendants nearing trial on medical device kickback claims say Boston federal prosecutors are begrudgingly sharing mountains of exculpatory materials they should have provided years ago.
February 14, 2025
Farm Asks Judge To 'Please' Add $5M Interest To $32M Verdict
A cannabis farm is asking a Michigan federal judge to "please, please" award $5 million in prejudgment interest on a $31.8 million verdict reached last month in a contract dispute with Curaleaf units, saying the companies have refused to cooperate in post-judgment talks to resolve the issue.
February 14, 2025
Adams Case Careens Toward 'Messy' Hearing, Experts Say
The Manhattan federal judge overseeing the corruption case against New York City Mayor Eric Adams is unlikely to rubber stamp a request from the U.S. Department of Justice to toss the case and may instead hold a hearing on the matter, which could get "messy" and "embarrassing," experts say.
February 14, 2025
Adams Case Fiasco 'Unparalleled' In Modern US History
The mass resignation of federal prosecutors refusing to obey a Trump administration directive to drop corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams is "unprecedented," "crazy" and "very troubling," according to law professors and former prosecutors.
February 14, 2025
Trials Group Of The Year: King & Spalding
King & Spalding LLP's trial team successfully defended drugmaker Boehringer Ingelheim in the first trial over claims alleging Zantac contributed to patients' cancer, as well as Johnson & Johnson in its first post-bankruptcy win in talcum powder litigation, making the firm one of the 2024 Law360 Trials Groups of the Year.
February 14, 2025
DOJ Files Motion To Drop Adams Case After Prosecutors Exit
The U.S. Department of Justice filed a motion to dismiss the corruption case against New York City Mayor Eric Adams, following a flood of resignations by government lawyers who defied a top DOJ official's orders to drop the charges for political reasons.
February 14, 2025
Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
February 13, 2025
Wells Fargo Followed Seminoles' Orders For Trust, Jury Hears
Wells Fargo told a Florida state jury Thursday its stewardship of a major trust for the Seminole tribe was sound, saying that the tribe asked for and received a "keep-it-safe trust" and there was no missing $800 million.
February 13, 2025
ASUSTeK Hit With $10.5M Verdict In Chip Patent Case
A jury in the Eastern District of Texas on Thursday found that Taipei-based laptop maker ASUSTeK infringed electronic component patents by a fellow Taiwanese rival and owed $10.5 million.
February 13, 2025
After Winning $18M, ASUSTek Foe Asks For New Patent Trial
A patent litigation company that obtained a nearly $18 million award from a federal jury in Waco, Texas, against Taiwanese computer manufacturer ASUSTeK says it wants to try winning some more money at a new trial, though the company admitted it "recognizes the extraordinary nature of the relief it is requesting."
February 13, 2025
Apple Pushes DC Circ. To Intervene In Google Remedies Case
Apple has urged the D.C. Circuit to undo a district court order barring the company from intervening in the U.S. Justice Department's remedies case against Google, arguing it moved with all speed to step in when it saw a government proposal "designed to force Apple to develop its own general search engine."
Expert Analysis
An Associate's Guide To Career Development In 2025
As the new year begins, associates at all levels should consider establishing career metrics, fostering key relationships and employing other specific strategies to help move through the complexities of the legal profession with confidence and emerge as trailblazers, say EJ Stern and Amanda George at Fractional Law Firm.
Fixing Up Cars Makes Me A Better Lawyer
From problem-solving to patience and adaptability to organization, the skills developed working under the hood of a car directly translate to being a more effective lawyer, says Christopher Mdeway at Kaufman Dolowich.
Making The Pitch To Grow Your Company's Legal Team
In a compressed economy, convincing the C-suite to invest in additional legal talent can be a herculean task, but a convincing pitch — supported by metrics and cost analyses — may help in-house counsel justify the growth of their team, say Elizabeth Smith and Roger Garceau at Major Lindsey.
Why Letters Of Protection Are Discoverable In Texas PI Suits
Recent Texas Supreme Court opinions and key provisions of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure make letters of protection, in which plaintiff attorneys promise payment to healthcare providers based on jury awards, discoverable — good news for defendants fighting exorbitant damage claims in personal injury cases, says Nathan Vrazel at Munsch Hardt.
Key Rulings On Sentencing Guidelines After Loper Bright
The U.S. Supreme Court's landmark decision in Loper Bright v. Raimondo raised questions as to when and whether courts should defer to the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines' commentary in disputes over the guidelines' meaning — but some recent appellate court rulings provide insights for defense counsel in this area, say attorneys at Foley & Lardner.
Trends In Section 101 Motions 6 Years After Berkheimer
A half-dozen years after the Federal Circuit's landmark patent eligibility ruling in Berkheimer, empirical data offers practitioners some noteworthy insights on Section 101 motions, both nationally and across four exemplary jurisdictions, says Alexa Reed at Fisch Sigler.
1 Year After Rule 702 Changes, Courts Have Made Progress
In the year since amendments to the Federal Rules of Evidence went into effect, many federal judges have applied the new expert witness standard correctly, excluding unreliable testimony from their courts — but now state courts need to update their own rules accordingly, says Lee Mickus at Evans Fears.
An Underutilized Tool To Dismiss Meritless Claims In Texas
In Texas, special appearances provide a useful but often overlooked tool for out-of-state defendants to escape meritless claims early in litigation, thus limiting discovery and creating a pathway for immediate appellate review, say attorneys at Winston & Strawn.
When US Privilege Law Applies To Docs Made Outside The US
As globalization manifests itself in disputes over foreign-created documents, a California federal court’s recent trademark decision illustrates nuances of both U.S. privilege frameworks and foreign evidentiary protections that attorneys must increasingly bear in mind, say attorneys at Hunton.
Notable 2024 Trademark Cases And What To Watch In 2025
Emerging disputes between established tech giants and smaller trademark holders promise to test the boundaries of trademark protection in 2025, following a 2024 marked with disputes in areas ranging from cybersquatting to geographic marks, says Danner Kline at Bradley Arant.
'Minimal Participant' Bar Is Tough To Clear For Whistleblowers
Under the U.S. Department of Justice’s corporate whistleblower pilot program, would-be whistleblowers will find it tough to show that they only minimally participated in criminal misconduct while still providing material information, but sentencing precedent shows how they might prove their eligibility for an award, say attorneys at MoloLamken.
What 2024 Trends In Marketing, Comms Hiring Mean For 2025
The state of hiring in legal industry marketing, business development and communications over the past 12 months was marked by a number of trends — from changes in the C-suite to lateral move challenges — providing clues for what’s to come in the year ahead, says Ben Curle at Ambition.
How Attorneys Can Master The Art Of Eye Contact At Trial
As a growing body of research confirms that eye contact facilitates communication and influences others, attorneys should follow a few pointers to maximize the power of eye contact during voir dire, witness preparation, direct examination and cross-examination, says trial consultant Noelle Nelson.
Group Running Makes Me A Better Lawyer
The combination of physical fitness and community connection derived from running with a group of business leaders has, among other things, helped me to stay grounded, improve my communication skills, and develop a deeper empathy for clients and colleagues, says Jessica Shpall Rosen at Greenwald Doherty.
How White Collar Defense Attys Can Use Summary Witnesses
Few criminal defense attorneys have successfully utilized summary witnesses in the past, but several recent success stories show that it can be a worthwhile trial tactic to help juries understand the complex decision-making at issue, says Jonathan Porter at Husch Blackwell.