Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. et al

  1. November 20, 2013

    Samsung Wants Stay After Key Apple Patent Invalidated

    As a California federal jury continued deliberations Wednesday in Apple Inc.'s $380 million smartphone patent damages retrial against Samsung Electronics Co., Samsung argued that the case should be immediately stayed in light of a U.S. Patent and Trademark Office decision announced earlier in the day invalidating a key Apple patent at issue.

  2. November 19, 2013

    Apple's 'Racist' Closings Warrant Mistrial, Samsung Says

    Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. urged a California federal judge on Tuesday to declare a mistrial in Apple Inc.'s $380 million smartphone patent infringement damages retrial, saying Apple's closing arguments were "racist," were prejudiced against non-American companies and would unlawfully bias the jurors as they launched deliberations. 

  3. November 18, 2013

    Apple, Samsung Experts Square Off In Smartphone IP Retrial

    Damages experts for Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. squared off in California federal court Monday, making their final pitches to the eight jurors who will decide what Samsung should pay for selling 11.4 million mobile devices that infringed Apple's iPhone and iPad patents.

  4. November 15, 2013

    Apple Can't Seek Lost Profits From Samsung On 4 Patents

    A California federal judge held Friday that Apple Inc. can't seek lost-profits damages on four of the five mobile device patents at issue in its damages retrial with Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., but allowed it to pursue those damages on a fifth patent Samsung copied in most of the contested devices.

  5. November 14, 2013

    Samsung Can't Justify Lower Damages, Apple Expert Says

    Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. doesn't have the records it would need to counter Apple Inc.'s $380 million damages demand on smartphones and tablets that infringed iPhone and iPad patents, an expert for Apple told a California federal jury Thursday in the rivals' damages retrial.

  6. November 13, 2013

    Samsung Should Pay $380M For Copying, Apple Tells Jury

    Apple Inc. told a California federal jury Wednesday that Samsung Electronics Co. should pay $380 million for selling 13 smartphones and tablets that infringed five of Apple's patents, while Samsung countered during opening statements in the damages retrial that it should owe its rival only $53 million.

  7. November 12, 2013

    11 Prospective Apple-Samsung Jurors Removed By Judge

    A California federal judge on Tuesday booted 11 prospective jurors in the closely watched smartphone patent damages retrial between Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. for ignoring her orders and swapping stories in the jury room about Apple and Samsung products.

  8. November 12, 2013

    Quinn Emanuel, Samsung Should Be Sanctioned, Judge Says

    A California magistrate judge said Friday that he believes that Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. and its attorneys from Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP should be sanctioned for mishandling confidential Apple Inc. licensing information, but gave the company a final chance to defend itself.

  9. November 08, 2013

    Retrial Could Bump Up Apple's $1B Verdict Against Samsung

    Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. will once again square off in a California courtroom Tuesday for a damages retrial in their smartphone patent dispute that attorneys say could lead to Samsung having to pay even more than the $1.05 billion a jury awarded Apple last year.

  10. November 08, 2013

    Samsung Can't Raise Apple-HTC Deal In $600M Damages Trial

    A California federal judge ruled Thursday that Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. can't bring up Apple Inc. and HTC Corp.'s settlement agreement in the upcoming retrial over the $600 million damages award for Samsung's alleged infringement of Apple's smartphone patents.