Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. et al

  1. November 05, 2013

    Apple Witnesses Get Latitude In Samsung Damages Retrial

    A California federal judge ruled Tuesday that Apple Inc. can call witnesses next week in its smartphone patent infringement damages retrial against Samsung Electronics Co. to testify about reasonable royalties, Apple's trade dress and the development of its asserted patents, finding them relevant to Apple's damages theories.

  2. October 23, 2013

    Quinn Enacts New Doc Policy Amid Apple-Samsung Leak Row

    Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP has issued a new firm document policy as it faces calls for sanctions for its mishandling of protected information in the ongoing patent war between client Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. and Apple Inc., partner John Quinn said Wednesday.

  3. October 22, 2013

    Quinn Avoids Sanctions In Apple-Samsung Leak Row, For Now

    A California federal judge said Tuesday he's not ready to sanction Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP for mishandling confidential Apple Inc. licensing information in its patent war with Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., but ordered the firm to hand over more than 2,000 documents related to the breach. Correction: An earlier story incorrectly stated how Quinn Emanuel has updated its redaction-review process. The error has been corrected.

  4. October 21, 2013

    Quinn Emanuel, Samsung Deny Misuse Of Apple IP Docs

    Facing potential sanctions for their mishandling of confidential Apple Inc. patent licensing information, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. and its attorneys told a California federal judge on Monday that an internal investigation revealed the information was disclosed accidentally and was not misused.

  5. October 17, 2013

    Apple Likely Allowed To Argue That Samsung Copied IPhone

    A California federal judge indicated Thursday she would likely let Apple Inc. show jurors in its hotly anticipated damages retrial against Samsung Electronics Corp. evidence purportedly showing Samsung copied the iPhone, which Apple says backs its argument that patented features drove consumer demand for the iPhone.

  6. October 16, 2013

    Quinn Emanuel, Samsung Can't Kill Leaked Apple Docs Probe

    A federal judge on Tuesday rejected Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.'s request to halt an investigation into how company executives got access to rival Apple Inc.'s highly confidential licenses with competitors during a patent case, saying it is "inexcusable" that Samsung has failed to explain the incident.

  7. October 03, 2013

    Quinn Emanuel, Samsung In Hot Water Over Secret Apple Docs

    A California magistrate judge said Wednesday that there is "reason to believe" that attorneys for Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. violated a protective order in the company's patent dispute with Apple Inc., giving numerous Samsung executives access to the highly confidential terms of Apple's licenses with competitors.

  8. October 01, 2013

    Apple Wants Samsung Sanctioned For License Info Leak

    Apple Inc. urged a California federal judge Tuesday to sanction Samsung Electronics Co. for disclosing privileged information regarding a licensing agreement with Nokia Corp. to rivals, a leak that Apple says has already impacted the patent battle between the two smartphone makers.

  9. September 03, 2013

    Samsung Says Apple Seeking Improper Damages Award Boost

    Apple Inc. is attempting to boost by "hundreds of millions of dollars" the amount it is seeking at an upcoming patent retrial with Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. by improperly pursuing new damages theories, Samsung told a California judge on Friday.

  10. August 23, 2013

    New Damages Trial Set For Apple, Samsung Patent Fight

    A California federal judge on Thursday set the stage for a new trial to assess damages Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. must pay for infringing Apple's patents covering smartphones and tablets after denying two procedural motions by Samsung that could have delayed the process.