Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. et al

  1. May 02, 2014

    Apple, 'Troll' Fighter May Benefit From Fee-Shifting Case

    The U.S. Supreme Court's Tuesday decision easing fee-shifting rules in patent cases may boost Apple Inc.'s bid to recover fees from Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. in their smartphone war, and aid a research website's effort to get a so-called patent troll to pay up for a failed suit, recent rulings indicate.

  2. March 19, 2014

    Apple Decries Samsung Bid To Cut Quinn Emanuel Sanctions

    Apple Inc. urged a California federal judge on Tuesday to reject Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.'s argument that sanctions on its law firm Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP for leaking confidential patent licenses should be reduced because Apple made the same details public, calling the comparison "wholly irrelevant."

  3. March 06, 2014

    Apple Strikes Out In Bid To Ban Sales Of Samsung Phones

    A California federal judge on Thursday shot down Apple Inc.'s request for an injunction banning the sale of Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. smartphones found to infringe its patents, ruling that Apple had failed to show that its patented features drove demand for the Samsung products.

  4. March 05, 2014

    Samsung Wants Apple Details On Info Quinn Emanuel Leaked

    Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. urged a California federal judge on Tuesday to force Apple Inc. to provide information on its own repeated release of confidential licensing terms wrongly disclosed by Samsung's attorneys at Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP in the tech giants' patent war.

  5. February 27, 2014

    Quinn Points Finger At Apple To Limit Doc Leak Sanctions

    Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP urged a California federal judge on Thursday to sanction the firm less than the $2 million Apple Inc. and Nokia Corp. want after Quinn leaked its license agreement to Samsung Electronics Corp., arguing that Apple made the same details public in the technology titans' patent war.

  6. February 26, 2014

    Quinn Emanuel Must Give Up Details Of Doc Leak, Nokia Says

    Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP should not only fork over $1.2 million in sanctions for giving client Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. information on a confidential patent licensing agreement between Nokia Corp. and Apple Inc., but also cough up the names of those who saw the documents, Nokia told a California federal court Tuesday. 

  7. February 24, 2014

    Apple, Samsung Mediation Talks Fail As Patent Trial Looms

    Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. are likely headed back to trial in March to settle the latest round in their long-running patent dispute after a round of mediation talks between the companies failed, according to a notice filed in a California federal court Friday.

  8. February 18, 2014

    Nokia Says Quinn Emanuel Owes $1.2M For Leaked Docs

    Nokia Corp. on Monday asked a judge to order Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP to pay $1.2 million as a sanction for improperly disclosing Nokia's patent license with Apple Inc. to its client Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., saying the firm sought to cover up its error.

  9. February 18, 2014

    Samsung Rebuts Apple's Request For $15.7M In Atty Fees

    Samsung Electronics Corp. told a California federal judge Thursday that it doesn't owe Apple Inc. $15.7 million in attorneys' fees following Apple's $930 million victory in patent infringement and damages trials over smartphone technology because Apple's dilution claim isn't "exceptional" under the Lanham Act.

  10. February 10, 2014

    MoFo Atty's Alleged Ethnic Prejudice Not Enough For New Trial

    A federal judge said Friday that a Morrison & Foerster attorney arguing for Apple Inc. made "troubling" comments that seemed to appeal to ethnic prejudice during a damages retrial in a smartphone patent dispute against Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., but ruled that the statements do not warrant a new trial.